Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Blog Diggity Blog!!

Hey y'all!! .. and Happy New Year!! I can't believe it's 2015 already. It seems like just a week ago it was 2014. I'm excited about the start of a new year. I have some stuff I want to accomplish for 2015. Hopefully I won't procrastinate too badly and actually get some of them accomplished. This year I hope to finally make the time to take some metalsmithing lessons at the Southwest School of Art ( https://www.swschool.org/communityclasses/adult ). I'm also hoping to branch out into vintage/antique/junk shows with the bullet and key jewelry.. and maybe get back to doing some gun shows again. Fear, as in fear of rejection, is what has mostly kept me from expanding my horizons. I took November and December off from shows. Probably not my best move.. but it was necessary. I haven't really made anything new over the last few months and if you haven't noticed.. the website is down until I decide what I want to do with it. Google will probably penalize me for it, and since I don't know which animal is running the zoo (penguin, panda, or a cyclops), I'll worry about that later. There is much to ponder for now.. in the meantime... how about some Mexican food!? 

One of my husband's favorite meals is Entomatadas. Think Enchiladas without the kick. They are super easy to make and easy on the purse strings too. But I will be honest... my favorite part is... leftovers!!

Cheese Entomatadas 
12 corn tortillas (do NOT substitute flour tortillas because they get gummy and that's kinda gross)
2 1/2c of grated Panela cheese
1 1/2c of grated Colby Jack cheese
1c of canned Tomato soup
1/2c of water
2Tbsp olive oil 
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder

Begin by heating up the condensed tomato soup, 1/2c water, and the dry ingredients in a hot skillet. Stir periodically and simmer until the sauce coats the back of a spoon. While that is getting started, in a second skillet, heat up the olive oil (do not let it smoke) and dredge the corn tortillas through the oil and stack them on a plate. 

This will keep them from breaking later. I usually let the sauce cool for a couple of minutes before getting rolling. Don't forget to mix your cheeses and set them aside.  

Once your sauce is done and your tortillas pliable, begin by coating your baking dish with a thin layer of sauce. Begin to preheat your oven to 350* at this time. Place one tortilla in the sauce and place about a Tbsp of cheese blend about 1/3 down on the tortilla. Take the edge closest to the cheese and begin to roll. You'll be coating and filling the Entomatadas in one step. Continue this process, adding more sauce to the baking dish as needed. Once all of your tortillas are filled and rolled, take the remaining tomato sauce (hopefully it won't be too much) and evenly coat the top of them and sprinkle the remaining shredded cheese over the top. 

Bake your Entomatadas for about 25 minutes, or until the cheese on top is melted. Serve with rice, refried beans, and a small salad... 

Buen Provecho! 

~ Substitutions ~
If you are not a fan of cheese filled foods, please feel free to substitute shredded roasted chicken or turkey. Use part of the sauce on the alternative filling just to make sure they have a little added moisture.

**Please resist the urge to drown these in chili meat... it's not traditional and they really are wonderful without it. 


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