Friday, September 24, 2010

Too Funny Not To Share!

First I gotta say.... I Love YouTube!... but what I love even more is when friends share video links to stuff that inspires you to share the fun with the rest of the world! So... without further delay..... I give you the "Improbable Research Collection #128..."

Happy Friday... hope your weekend is filled with fun and laughter!

.. and thanks for sharing Wealie!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Burning the midnight oil.

It seems that recently I'm getting most of my work done while this half of the world sleeps. I've even had a couple of people refer to me as a "vampire" for choosing work over sleep. It turns out that even the dog is bothered by it. She's been giving me dirty looks for keeping her awake. They just don't realize that these are the hours when I am most creative. There are no distractions like the phone or people wanting to go places and do stuff. And for those who are wondering... Do I sleep? Yes, I sleep through rush hour traffic, school zones, the inane morning talk shows and all the rest of the stuff that my "Day walker" friends endure. So, tonight, while they were sleeping I worked on updating the website with this....


Oh yeah... and this!!

... and other jewelry pieces too.

What they don't understand is, that the hours after the sunsets are the moments that allow me focus and get stuff accomplished. Like making new jewelry, photographing those lovely creations, editing photos, updating my website, and even writing the occasional blog post. It doesn't get done all in one night, after all, I'm a vampire... not Wonder Woman. ;)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Love at the Hardware Store

I'm a girl that loves her tools... so by default I love trips to the hardware store. I'm not talking about the big-box-everything-and-the-kitchen-sink kind of store. I like the little guys that have been there since we were kids. The neighborhood hardware store that has all the bits and bobs the other guys can't be bothered to stock. I love these little stores because they don't look at me like I've grown a third eye like the people at Casa De Pot do when I ask for copper washers or steel baling wire. To me these are not plumbing or farming implements.... they're jewelry supplies!! So today I thought I'd give you a little peek at some fittings that are fit to wear.

They start off like this.... plain washers in different sizes. Sorted and ready to go!

Then I get my hands on them at work them over a couple of times with my hammer, anvil and doming block.

.... after they've been pounded into submission... they get a little TLC.... they're polished and wrapped with sterling silver wire and suspended from a handmade earwire.

Then they get photographed and made ready to find a home with someone who will love them and their story...... hopefully that's you. ;)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Creative License Saturday

I love Disney... and The Little Mermaid is by far my favorite of all the Disney Princesses. This song will for ever live in my heart and not just because my oldest niece (who was 3 at the time) insisted that I sing it to her for an entire road trip to Houston. I've always felt like a fish out of water, especially when I worked in an office. Once I left/quit (what ever you want to call it), it was like Ariel getting her legs.... there was no going back. My workspace feels a lot like her cavern does.... doodads and gadgets everywhere. So I decided to take a little creative license with this classic by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken that we all know as "Part of your world". I'd sing it for you... but I love you all too much to submit you to that.


Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything?
Look at this trove
Treasures untold
How many hand tools can one toolbox hold?
Looking around here you think
Sure, she's got everything
I've got cup-burrs and tweezers a-plenty
I've got cutters and hammers galore
You want pliers?
I've got twenty!

But who cares?
No big deal
I want mooooooore.....
I wanna work like a jeweler does...
I wanna work metals like gold and silver...
Burning my way through a - what do you call it?

Flappin' your gums, you don't get too far
Skills are required for soldering, forging,
Hammering my way through a spool of - what's that word again?
Staying up late... working at my craft.
Up until the night meets up with daylight.
Carving and sawing - wish I could be....
A metalsmith.

What would I give if I could live out a studio?
What would I pay to spend a day.... at my bench?
Bet'cha out there, they understand
That this girl needs to work with metal..
.. just a beader... sick of stringing...
Ready to Repoussé!

And ready to know what Tim McCreight knows
Ask him my questions and get some answers
What's a fire and why does it - what's the word?

When can I braze?
When can I fuse, planish and etch my little heart out?
Happy I'll be...
When I can use...
All of my toooooools!


And yes, as hubby says I have waaaay too much time on my hands. Lol!