Monday, March 30, 2015

Shopping for Fabric

As you can see... I went shopping for fabric. I wish I could say that I'm going to make something, but that is not the case. I just don't have the patience for it. Lucky for me, my Tia Gloria looooves to sew. What am I gonna ask her to make? An apron for an Art Jewelry Retreat next month (more on that later). I like the "idea" of an apron, but I don't really like wearing them. But, since I'm probably going to get dirty, I suppose that I am going to need one.

I found the first five at Wally's. It's not my favorite place to shop, but I found a location that doesn't leave me feeling like I hate the world and wanting a spiritual cleansing.

So, after a few stops, here is my "short list" of options.

I'm kind of keen on this shade of pink.

The pale chartreuse damask is nice too.

I was drawn to nice mix of colors and prints first.

Our next stop was Hobby-Freaking-Lobby! That place is like CRACK!! You go in for one thing and leave wanting to buy everything.. or at least I do.

I love me some Toile, but I'm not sure that I'm "that girl". It might be a little too fru-fru for me.

Okay, I'm realizing that I might have a think for damask prints.

I saw this one and immediately thought of my friend Katie. She loves orange so much.. that she got married in a drop-dead-gorgeous coppery orange ball gown. (trust me, Autumn in Ohio and that dress!!.. amaze-balls)

This was nice too. It reminded me of my grandma Tita. I'm not sure why, but it just does.

After a headache (the entire store wreaked of epoxy/paint/solvent fumes) and a "contact high" at HfL,  it was time to head to Hancock Fabrics. I can't say I found anything I couldn't live without... until I saw this burlap print in the upholstery section. It isn't cheap ($24.99/yd )and will probably need a muslin liner, so it's not exactly practical for an apron. I might have to get it for another project later.

I did narrow it down to a style of apron that I can work with. I like the one the model is wearing.. with a small side pocket for my phone and a modification in the neck strap. I'll be adding a D-ring closure to make it easier to adjust without untying the whole thing. 

The color and print choices are insane! So I need your help, please.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

In Honor of Dia de la Mujer....

Let us honor the all of the women,
 not just the scientists, the leaders, the doctors, and the ones that history teaches us about.

Where would we be without the women in our day to day lives...
the ones that shaped our lives?

So, here is to the ones that gave us life,
and if you were a hyperactive kid that tested ALL boundaries...
occasionally threatened to take that life back. 
(and, no, she wasn't serious just frustrated at my total lack of regard for the rules.) 

To the ones that taught us to laugh loudly (and sometimes inappropriately)
to love wholeheartedly.. to the ones that taught us to sew and to sow..
and taught us to cook real food.
To the one that wore a red cape to church on Sundays
(and ran around after Temple like a superhero to make her friends laugh,)
 and her sisters that taught us that learning is never ending,
and that scaring the pants off of someone really is the best remedy for the hiccups. 

If the women in your life are like the ones that were part of this "Tribe",
 they taught you to feed chickens, build stuff (yes, with a hammer and everything),
 change out the cut-offs under the sink and so much more. 

There are the ones that will wake before the roosters,
 to cook for a family of four or make breakfast for a crowd of 20...
 on just a cup of coffee.

If you are really lucky,
 these women will teach you that there is no such thing as hard work
 when you are doing what you love. 

... and family is what really matters in this world.

So today, honor them, celebrate them, call them, write to them, but most importantly... 
let them know that they are appreciated and loved.

Whether they are here or saving a seat for us on the other side..
I truly hope that you've had the kind of women in your life 
like the ones that I've been blessed with.

My Love, Honor, and Respect to you all,