Monday, March 30, 2015

Shopping for Fabric

As you can see... I went shopping for fabric. I wish I could say that I'm going to make something, but that is not the case. I just don't have the patience for it. Lucky for me, my Tia Gloria looooves to sew. What am I gonna ask her to make? An apron for an Art Jewelry Retreat next month (more on that later). I like the "idea" of an apron, but I don't really like wearing them. But, since I'm probably going to get dirty, I suppose that I am going to need one.

I found the first five at Wally's. It's not my favorite place to shop, but I found a location that doesn't leave me feeling like I hate the world and wanting a spiritual cleansing.

So, after a few stops, here is my "short list" of options.

I'm kind of keen on this shade of pink.

The pale chartreuse damask is nice too.

I was drawn to nice mix of colors and prints first.

Our next stop was Hobby-Freaking-Lobby! That place is like CRACK!! You go in for one thing and leave wanting to buy everything.. or at least I do.

I love me some Toile, but I'm not sure that I'm "that girl". It might be a little too fru-fru for me.

Okay, I'm realizing that I might have a think for damask prints.

I saw this one and immediately thought of my friend Katie. She loves orange so much.. that she got married in a drop-dead-gorgeous coppery orange ball gown. (trust me, Autumn in Ohio and that dress!!.. amaze-balls)

This was nice too. It reminded me of my grandma Tita. I'm not sure why, but it just does.

After a headache (the entire store wreaked of epoxy/paint/solvent fumes) and a "contact high" at HfL,  it was time to head to Hancock Fabrics. I can't say I found anything I couldn't live without... until I saw this burlap print in the upholstery section. It isn't cheap ($24.99/yd )and will probably need a muslin liner, so it's not exactly practical for an apron. I might have to get it for another project later.

I did narrow it down to a style of apron that I can work with. I like the one the model is wearing.. with a small side pocket for my phone and a modification in the neck strap. I'll be adding a D-ring closure to make it easier to adjust without untying the whole thing. 

The color and print choices are insane! So I need your help, please.

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